Writing & Media
Regardless of the modality, the act of creating open our energies, our hearts and our joy! Below are some areas of my creative expression. New books, co-author best selling book series, interviews and more! Such amazing arenas and incredible opportunities! Thank you so much for your support and interest. May we all align with the truth of our hearts and bring our gifts forward into the world honoring all life and the time we are given.
“Amita Welles is a visionary with sacred sight, a Seer of subtlety who uses her abilities for healing, for source work and for guidance into inner integrity. She is a bridge builder between realms, and uses her profound connections to promote the rising Harmony.“
-William Howell
Founder Sanctuary House:Non-profit sponsor of the Camino de Crestone
I am a co-author in two amazing books in the international best selling series: A Journey of Riches.
“Transform Your Wounds Into Wisdom” and “Elevating Your Life” released in October 2022 and June 2024.
I have written two books below and am currently working on two new publications in 2024/2025
One is a true story for all ages called, "My Horse, The Hummingbird and a Very Small Tiger." It is a true story about listening to the wisdom of your heart and having the courage to follow your dreams.
My Second book is called, "Have Animal Crackers, Will Travel". It is a compilation of powerful and personal writings forged from the fires of my heart and my wild nature. Inspiring fellow visionaries and path seekers.
Also in this section are two articles on consciousness and awareness that I wrote for The Alive Newsletter which circulated Northern Arizona.
I have the honor of being interviewed on a number of different platforms from zoom to radio, podcasts and TV. I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to share my writing and teachings from my forged life path both giving and receiving so many blessings along the way. Amita
"Nature’s Secret Messages” by Elaine Wilkes PhD., N.C., M.A.
Elaine Wilkes is a powerhouse whom I had the pleasure to meet a few years back. We were both at a special teaching of an ancient meditation practice by a master in that field when she approached me and asked me if we could speak. She both Interviewed me and asked me if I would write a small section in her amazing book. I was deeply honored by her request. My sharing is on reconnecting with one’s inner voice, re-aligning oneself with presence and listening, communing with nature and the plants and experiential interaction.
Speaking Engagements
I have had the honor of speaking on various platforms. Community awareness performances, speaking to the public as a volunteer for a birds of prey program, where this photo was taken. I have been a guest speaker at the Bioneers conference in Arizona, health expositions and at schools. I am deeply grateful for these opportunities for sharing teamwork with some very wonderful people.
Productions & Performances
I have written all of my life in various forms and styles. Creative expression in whatever form helps the heart to sing. with more and more challenge in our world, raising vibration and positivity is essential.
I have written, produced and directed a play “The Stewards of The Earth” which was part of a larger production called “It’s All Connected”
I have been a cast member of the Vagina Monologues 3 years in a row as well as being cast for the lead in the play “Birth” by Karen Brody.
These performances were part of my way of giving to community, raising awareness and funds while working as a team with some amazing women.