Speaking Engagements
I am available for speaking engagements on various topics, some of which are delicate, such as transforming loss. Pilgrimage, personal empowerment, inner growth through various forms of ceremonial opportunities such as the "Embraced by the Earth Ceremony" I walked through. I am available for readings from my books: “My Horse, A hummingbird And A Very Small Tiger”, “Have Animal Crackers, Will Travel” and my chapter in the new book “A Journey Of Riches: Transform Your Wounds Into Wisdom”
International Peace Day 2015
I was asked to write a piece for International Peace Day in 2015 by a wonderful woman, Signe Ramstrom, who lives in Crestone, Colorado. She hosted a beautiful event to honor this day and I wrote and read my piece to the community who came together.
Un-Twisted Reading
Bioneers Conference Speaker 2006
Some of my previous engagements include speaking at the Bioneers conference in Flagstaff, Arizona about “The Path of Heart” while holding a peregrine falcon! My focus was Re-Awakening people to their hearts, the world around them, and their dreams. These birds seem to captivate everyone they come into contact with as they radiate such confidence, grace, and connectedness within themselves and their environment - They are fiercely present and oh so aware.
The Flagstaff Holistic Health Expo 2006
I was a speaker and vendor at The Flagstaff Holistic Health Expo which was a three-day event. I was one of the featured speakers and spoke about living in balance with following the Path of the Heart, reconnecting to nature and one's soul purpose.
Heal Thyself Now Conference 2007
I was invited to attend as one of the vendors at The Heal Thyself Now Conference in Flagstaff to share my Mayan Magic healing cacao bars.