Tools for Change
For those of you wishing to begin the process of reconnecting to your true self, there are some tools that can greatly enhance the process. I share them here to help provide doorways back through and into your heart.
Breathe...It sounds simple. It is amazing how many of us do not breathe properly. Spend a minimum of 10 minutes twice a day sitting quietly and deep breathing into your belly, your solar plexus. As your tummy fills, then allow your lungs to fill and slowly reverse this process. As you walk through your day, notice how you breathe. As you feel more comfortable expand your practice with a counting exercise. Breathe in for a count of 4, for example, hold your breathe for this same count, exhale for the count of four and wait for the same count. This process is extremely helpful for calming the body and the mind, quieting the chatter and restoring centeredness. As you do this, visualize, a beautiful root from your root chakra growing down into the core of the earth and anchoring you to mother. Breath her light and presence deeply through your spinal cord and out the top of your head high into the universal skies. See this looping as infinity back down through you back down into mother earth. this process not only keeps you centered and present and breathing properly but also keeps you from holding onto or tensing into situations.
As you step into these breathing techniques, begin to focus your attention into your "one point". This point is approximately an inch below your belly button. Throughout your day, notice where your attention is focused. Where do you hold yourself in your body or mind? Continue to bring yourself back to your one point. This is your core, your center and allows you to remain in the "eye of the hurricane" so to speak. This is a powerful practice that reduces stress and allows one to maintain clarity and openness while moving forward with purpose and direction.
Gratitude. Be grateful, humble, and appreciative. Again, this sounds simple yet is remarkably overlooked. Look at everything in your life and be grateful for all that fills your life. As we open our hearts to ourselves, life opens and gives back to us. Give freely from this space of gratitude and allow this flow to gently come back to you, be around you, and bless you.
Connect with nature. Walk, hike, sit, just be with all that provides us with life. With your breath, feel your surroundings. What do you notice? Where is your attention?
Create! Dance, sing, write, draw, cook, play, laugh, anything that moves your body and brings joy, a lightness of being. This moves energy and releases endorphins within the brain. Allow yourself to have fun.
Jin Shin Jyutsu .. A do it yourself book for moving energy within your body on meridian points used by acupuncturists. You can begin to connect your own energy centers and move stagnation. It is a gentle, safe, and empowering practice that speaks for itself in terms of well-being, improved sleep, increased energy and relief from many body aches and pains.
My hope in sharing these tools is that healing, giving and centeredness can be attained and spread from person to person allowing all of us to reach our higher potentials in sharing and giving to one another and all life on earth.