Business & Community
I created this partnerships page in order to link together members of different communities so that we may support one another. Please take a moment to peruse these beautiful people and their gifts.
Partnerships are formed with all of life whether we are aware of these interactions or not. Partnerships with one another, honey bees, our environment, our water and air, how we grow our food, to highlight just a few of the crucial partnerships we share.
My own business and community partnerships reach into many arenas.
In the photo to the right, I am helping the Elder, Senior Vidal, to repair an enormous community bread oven in his spiritual center. His center is located in a small village called Ollantaytambo, Peru, a short distance from Machu Picchu. The photo at the bottom of the page is of my honey bees. They are drinking water from hemp strings that I hung over the side of my small pond for their safety.
During my time in Colorado, I volunteered my time weekly with an equine facility working with disabled children. A powerful way to give to the community, to develop trust with children in difficult circumstances and be with the magnificent horses who bring so much to all who interact with them. I also volunteered with another equine program who works with veterans, soldiers in trauma, both men and women soldiers. This was an extraordinary program which I am honored to have been a part.
While living in Arizona, I created my Mayan Raw Cacao Cafe. Both a healing space for connecting with the power of raw cacao through Rainforest nutrition as well as being a space for community to come together. I will be working with Sacred Grandmother again very soon here in Montana!
Also during my time in Arizona, I was a cast member of the Vagina Monologues for three years in a row. It was a very powerful experience as the monologues are all true accounts, interviews from women all over the world, not to mention the courage it takes to stand in front of hundreds of people speaking about very delicate subjects. The money we raised through our performances went towards helping stop domestic violence locally while opening and expanding community awareness of the violence globally towards women and how to help make a difference.
I volunteered my time with High Country Raptors, an amazing Bird of Prey program, giving talks to the community on weekends about different types of birds of prey, environmental stressors, how the public can help protect and support these birds through conscious action and safe choices.