Riding With Fire

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The Holidays, The New Year And New Beginnings

The Holidays are not always an easy and joyous time for all of us. For many, they are often tainted with great difficulty, sadness, and pain. Many of us wrap our delicate hearts with great care to help us through these times. Some of us have loved ones by our sides to help us hold our footing when we waiver but what about those of us who do not have this kind of support and care to help us through?

We are loved whether it is clear to us at this moment and whether we have a physical demonstration of it in the present moment or not. We each have a purpose, an unfolding in the tapestry of the universe.

Holidays can increase painful memories and emotions. Using these moments when we are struggling to go within ourselves more deeply to look at the achievements we have made, the obstacles we have overcome and try to use these times for moments of reflecting upon the beauty we carry within us and the beauty surrounding us within nature. There are other hearts that are experiencing hardships and not just humans. Shelter animals, wildlife, and many others walk with their own versions of struggle and difficulty,

We can help ourselves and others by knowing that the difficulties we face do not define us. They are not our masters. They are markers showing our victories and our courage through arduous times in our life journeys.

May we all find peace within our hearts one moment at a time and may blessings and goodness filter through all souls even more so for those tender hearts who are in need of some extra comfort and love.

May this New Year bring New Doors, New Opportunities, New Directions, New Dreams, New Love, Clarity and Fulfillment.

May we each feel a Renewed Faith that all things truly are possible beginning within each one of us thus spreading more and more Possibility and Love into The Soul Of The World.